Imaging Cores - Optical
Imaging Cores - Optical
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 5, 2025 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - November 6, 2024 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - August 2, 2024 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - May 1, 2024 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society Conference 2024 - March 22, 2024; Scottsdale, AZ This annual meeting provides a forum for members to discuss research and exchange ideas, as well as an opportunity for learning about new techniques and concepts. More information can be found in… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 7, 2024 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
Introducing the Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope with Apotome III The RII Imaging Cores - Optical has added a new instrument, the Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope with Apotome III. For more information on labs that might benefit from this instrument, see… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Nov 1, 2023 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
OMERO (image data management server software) hands-on workshop - August 2023 OMERO is open-source software that the UA has recently made available which can help campus research labs with image data management. To assist interested users in getting started with OMERO a two-… |
Core Facility Pilot Program (August 3, 2023 deadline) The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and… |
RII Core Facilities Pilot Program - May 3, 2023 Deadline The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and… |
Congratulations to Patty Jansma for her 2023 MSA award! Patty Jansma, MS has been named the winner of the 2023 Hildegard H. Crowley Award, given by the Microscopy Society of America. The awards ceremony will be at the annual MSA meeting being… |
Discover BIO5 March 8th 2023 The DISCOVER BIO5 event series is designed to showcase the innovative bioscience research happening at the University of Arizona, and to share the inspiring ways we are preparing our next generation… |
Imaging Cores - Optical receives 2022 EEF funds from RII to purchase Zeiss Apotome microscope for LSN The RII Imaging Cores - Optical, in collaboration with the core's Faculty Research Advisory Committee (FRAC), was awarded internal equipment enhancement funds for their proposal to purchase a Zeiss… |
Microscopy Month During the period between mid-August to mid-September all four of the major optical microscope vendors will be doing on-site demonstrations of very well equipped research-grade microscopes.
Why?… |
Doug Cromey provides virtual guest lecture for the OMIBS course at Woods Hole Mr. Doug Cromey served as a lecturer for the Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course, Woods Hole Marine Biological Institute, Woods Hole, MA. His presentation was… |
Imaging Cores - Optical receives 2021 EEF funds from RII to upgrade computer workstations In May and June of 2021 the computer workstations in the RII Imaging Cores - Optical were upgraded to new HP hardware and are now running Microsoft Windows 10. The computers for the two Zeiss LSM880… |
Doug Cromey gives virtual Digital Image Ethics presentation for the Rockefeller Institute On February 10, 2021 Mr. Doug Cromey was an invited seminar speaker for The Rockefeller Institute in New York, NY. His presentation was entitled “Everyone Is Entitled to His Own Opinion, but Not… |