Imaging Cores - Optical receives 2021 EEF funds from RII to upgrade computer workstations

Date of publication

In May and June of 2021 the computer workstations in the RII Imaging Cores - Optical were upgraded to new HP hardware and are now running Microsoft Windows 10. The computers for the two Zeiss LSM880 instruments in Marley also received new real-time controllers, essentially a computer on a board that controls all the microscope hardware. The Zeiss Elyra S.1 received both a new instrument and post-processing computer. Other computers in Marley (LSM880 offline workstation, Stereo microscope computer) were given operating system software updates to bring them up to Windows 10.

The leftover computers have been put to good use. The image analysis workstation in LSN received a long overdue update, and the Imaging Cores - Electron facility will use one of the workstations to begin offering image analysis services. An additional Zeiss ZEN installation has been set up in the Marley location.

Our thanks to Drs Zarnescu and Eggers for submitting the LSN upgrade proposal. We also appreciate Dr. Helena Morrison for submitting the upgrade proposal for the Marley location.

The RII Equipment Enhancement Fund is designed to add or augment research capacity through the acquisition of equipment for use by multiple investigators in shared facilities or approved university core facilities.

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