Nano Fabrication Center

Safety Training & Keys/Codes

Step 1: Required Safety Training (All Clients)

  1. Please get your UA "NetID" and your UA email. Please refer to to setup on if you do not have one already. All clients will be issued a "NetID" and password by the University Information Technology Services.
  2. Using your UA email please send a request to with "Please add me to safety approval #20071 MFC" in the subject line. This request will be reviewed and forwarded for RLSS.
  3. It may take up to 3 business days for you to receive an email invitation in reply to your request from RLSS-CHEM-SUPPORT. Follow the instructions in the email and accept invitation. If you do not, please feel free to contact with a followup email.
  4. Using your NetID and password please log in to the RLSS User Dashboard and click on "Notifications/Training Required" to view the course. This course typically takes 1.5-2 hours to complete.

Step 2: Required MFC Specific Safety Training (All Clients)

We provide all clients with an overview of safety requirements needed to safely complete their tasks. We are a CSL-3 facility with a number of highly toxic and pyrophoric chemicals required for fabrication stored and used onsite.

Following the successful completion of your online chemical safety course in Step 1, please contact an MFC staff member at to schedule the facility specific one-on-one safety orientation. The training will be scheduled once a week at a time convenient for all requesters for that week.

Prior to your one-on-one safety tour appointment please review the following:

  1. Authorized users requiring access to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) may view them via RLSS
  2. MFC Emergency Response Guide
  3. Chemical Disclosure
  4. MFC Safety Rules

Please print and bring a copy of the MFC Safety Tour Participant Checklist to your appointment. make sure you have reviewed all items and signed the form before leaving after completion of the tour.

Step 3: Keys & Access Code Requirements

Our single access and short term clients (<30 days) will not be issued keys/door access codes, although exceptions could be made. Access will be available M-F 8am-5pm and must be pre-arranged through an MFC staff member. Please email to make arrangements.

Keys and access codes are issued generally only to long term (>30 days) clients:

  1. A valid CatCard is required to gain access to the building, offices, and laboratories on campus. Industrial clients will be granted a Designated Campus Colleague (DCC) status and issued a CatCard. Please contact an MFC staff member to initiate the process.
  2. Please download and print the access form and fill it out.

An MFC staff member can help you out the access form if needed. We will need a copy of your valid CatCard. You will then be notified via email when the codes or keys are available for you to pick up in person.

Per university policy, you should never share your keys or codes with anyone. If you believe your keys or codes have been compromised, contact MFC staff immediately.
