Flow Cytometry Immune Monitoring Shared Resource


Accessing the Facility

All services being with a consultation with the Facility Staff.

Appointments for the FACSAria and the LSR II must be made by directly contacting the Facility Manager.

For access to the FACSCanto II after your initial consultation, complete and submit the New User Registration form.

  1. Use your email login (the first part of your email address before the "@") as the Login Name.
  2. Click Submit when you have provided all the information required. Access will not be approved until all information is complete.
  3. Contact the Facility Manager when you've submitted the access request and we will respond by email with your approval.
  4. Once access has been approved, you can schedule appointments for the FACSCanto II using the scheduling calendar.
  5. Samples for the FACSCanto II optimally should contain 1x106 cells/ml (300,000 cells minimum). For tubes that meet these requirements, allow on average 3 minutes per tube (5 minutes for cell cycle analysis) for most samples.

Experiments that look for rare events will require more time per sample.

Remember, the fewer the cells, the longer the time required for data acquisition per tube.
